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Repair ACS800-104-0580-7 Air-cooled module | ABB 68685729

Used in GE, Vestas, Siemens, Nordex turbines

ABB PN: 68685729
€ 741,00
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Expected lead time: < 3 weeks
Quantity available: 100 pcs
Product group: Power Converter
Wind turbine brand: GE, Vestas, Siemens, Nordex
Condition: Repaired
Warranty: Yes
Exchange: Yes
Additional information:

741 solutions offers the most thorough ACS800 service options in the southern US.   We service hundreds of these units annually, so you can rest assured that your converter is in capable hands of seasoned power electronics service staff.  

Evaluations are very thorough; units passing the initial power-up test are tested in parallel under heavy load to best root out subtle faults which only occur during parallel operation.  

Repairs on younger ACS800 models will only replace parts on an as-needed basis.  For older models, we offer a top-to-bottom remanufacturing service to ensure optimal reliability for many years following.  

We strive to limit the typical turnaround time to 2 weeks

Service cost for evaluation only (if service is denied): US $741